Thursday, 23 June 2016

Matariki week

We are learning about Matariki for these few weeks.
Matariki is Maori new year and we celebrate it by making kites, going fishing, making things and sharing with our whanau. 

Matariki is also the biggest star of the seven stars that we can see during Matariki time.

On Wednesday, Mrs Harding read a book about Matariki and we made shining stars to celebrate.

Aren't they look amazing?

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Winter is the warmest!

This week our poem is called "Winter is warmest!".

Why is winter the warmest? We discussed and thought it is the warmest because we do lots of things to keep ourselves warm in winter season!

One of the things to keep warm in winter is drinking hot chocolate!

Mm... Yummy hot chocolate!

Peg dolls

On Wednesday Miss Joo brought us an exciting news that we are going to make peg dolls! 

We decided what we are going to make for our peg dolls and then used pencil to sketch lines on wooden pegs. 

Then we got vivids to trace lines. After that we designed clothes, hairs, capes, scarves and so on for our dolls. 

Here are some finished work!

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Spinning tops

Today we designed our own spinning tops! We discussed what kind of spinning toys we played before and how to play spinning toys.

Miss Joo brought some old CDs and marbles for spinning tops. We practiced and designed what we are going to draw on a paper first because didn't want to make mistakes with vivids on CDs.

When we finished, we used vivids to draw on CD and then Miss Joo helped us to glue the marble in the middle using a hot glue gun.

When it was dry, we tested our spinning tops. We all had thrilling fun time!

Friday, 3 June 2016

Toys with wheels

Everyone was very exciting this week because it was toy week. Each day we brought different toys to school and shared.

On Thursday, it was toys with wheels day so Room 10 was full of cars and looked like a race court because there were many racing cars. 

In the afternoon, Room 9a, Room 9, and we went outside and made tracks for our cars to play. Some of us drew tracks on the concrete with chalks, some of us built tracks with wooden blocks, and some of us drew on papers. 

We all had wonderful time and our toy cars had fabulous time too! Whoosh!

Motat trip

This Wednesday, junior school children visited Motat for a highlight of our 'Toys' topic!

We learned about different kinds of toys and got to play with them! There were some old toys which required us to figure out how to play with them and require certain skills to play with them. 

They were very interesting and we had lots of fun playing with those toys.