Thursday, 23 June 2016

Matariki week

We are learning about Matariki for these few weeks.
Matariki is Maori new year and we celebrate it by making kites, going fishing, making things and sharing with our whanau. 

Matariki is also the biggest star of the seven stars that we can see during Matariki time.

On Wednesday, Mrs Harding read a book about Matariki and we made shining stars to celebrate.

Aren't they look amazing?


  1. Maia and Isabella24 June 2016 at 11:24

    We love your Matariki Stars . We love the glitter and paint
    you used. Was it hard to make ? .It looks awesome room 10.

  2. What a wonderful display of sparkling stars! You all listened really carefully to Mrs Harding and wrote really interesting stories about things that happen to celebrate Matariki. Great work Room 10!


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